Our mission is to partner with people to help restore, maintain and excel at health. It’s our passion to not only help our patients to experience optimal health but assist their friends and family members as well. We do that through our VIP Cards program.
VIP Cards
We hand out the VIP cards to all our patients, and we encourage them to pass these along to someone that they think might benefit from chiropractic care at our office. We love it when our patients let us know that they’ve passed these cards along and get referrals to our practice.
You can help us to make a difference by
1. Sharing your experience
2. Using a VIP card
3. Letting us know who the card recipients are
Healing Without Drugs or Surgery
Natural, safe and effective chiropractic care can help with an array of conditions such as headaches, allergies, pain in the back, knees, shoulders, ankles and more. Perhaps best of all, you can enjoy relief and healing without the use of drugs or surgery.
When the people closest to you experience the incredible difference that chiropractic can make, thanks to the VIP card program, you will have the satisfaction knowing you spread the word about the value of this natural form of health care.
Give us a call today!