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Mission Of The Month


May – Partnership 4 kids

This month’s recipient of our giving back campaign is Partnership 4 Kids which is a favorite of Trisha L.

Mission Statement for Kunz Chiropractic:

During the month of May all new patients will receive a full exam and any x-rays needed for $55. All the proceeds will be donated to Partnership 4 Kids. Please help spread the word so we can raise as much as possible.

*Government funded insurance carriers not included.

Mission Statement for the Partnership 4 Kids

To engage and inspire students from preschool to graduation, guiding them to success with individualized support, career exploration and scholarships.

We engage, enlighten, and encourage students from preschool through graduation.

We engage through mentoring, evidence-based programming, and relationship-building.

We enlighten through goal setting and career exploration.

We encourage through long-term support and scholarships.

Our proven results place young people on a pathway to success.

What Partnership 4 Kids Does

Career and skill-focused programming begins in pre-kindergarten and continues throughout a student’s academic journey. Today, P4K serves more than 3,000 students, pre-kindergarten through postsecondary, growing up in underserved neighborhoods. At no cost to students or their families, P4K helps youth develop hope and trust, both of which are critical to a young person’s ability to plan for the future.


Mission Of The Month Kunz Chiropractic | (402) 614-5677